
Sadly my beloved Albert crossed the Rainbow Bridge sometime around dawn on Sunday, April 22, 2012.

 He was such an incredible guy, such a character. I was smitten at our first meeting and I will never forget our first night together. We were in a hotel room; all the dogs were on the bed, I'm watching TV and Al sidles up to me, lays down beside me, puts his head on my thigh and looks up at me with his incredible eyes. He had me then and there. Everyone who ever met him fell in love with him.

 Al was certain that his new life's mission was to look after me. He made it his business to know where I was and what I was doing 24/7. His only impatience was the speed with which I was feeding him; he would use his "wocka wocka" bark to let me know I was being slow. The house is so very quiet without him now.

 When one of our pets goes to the Rainbow Bridge we do think that others who have preceded him yell "Dandie Party in Heaven Tonight!!!” Well, Al would certainly agree with that, but I also know that he would want to talk to the Caterer first!

 Al was such a special dog: I will never think that the 13 months that we had together was enough, but I take comfort in the knowledge that his short time with me released him from the dreadful place where he had lived most of his prior life.


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